References Standard

Examples of bibliographic references to the most common sources of information are given.

  • When making bibliographies, GOST R 7.0.5-2008 is used.
  • The description areas are separated by a "dot" sign.
  • The bibliographic description should contain all the data necessary for reliable identification of the source.

It is necessary to pay attention to the common shortcomings in making bibliography list, such as:

  • violation of the order of the areas of bibliographic description;
  • the order of recording the surnames and initials of the authors;
  • there is often no page area in the description.


Examples of Bibliographic References

Nadezhda Yurievna Beyderova
Senior Methodologist of TUSUR Organization and Guidance Division

634050, Tomsk, 40 Lenina prospect, office 301, attn. Organizing Committee NMK TUSUR-2021

(3822) 53-30-75