NMK-2024: Sections and Moderators
Higher education in Russia: trends, prospects and problems of development
Viсtor Rulevskiy, Pavel Senchenko
Practice-oriented model of engineering education: integration of higher education, high-tech production and knowledge-intensive business
Yury Shurygin, Elena Kuzmina
Scientific and methodological solutions for training specialists in the field of breakthrough sovereign technologies
Irina Larioshina, Nikolay Legostaev
Network form of training competitive engineering personnel
Gufana Narimanova, Irina Trubcheninova
The role of a modern university in the national innovation ecosystem
Anton Loshchilov, Yuriy Gritsenko
Social aspects of engineering personnel training in the context of modern challenges
Margarita Raitina, Elena Pokrovskaya
Engineering education in a modern school: problems and prospects
Artem Pivovarov, Evgeniy Kupriyanov