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Для перевода в латиницу русскоязычных ссылок необходимо:
Общая схема
Author EN. Transliterated title of the dissertation. [Title of the dissertation in English] [Dissertation]. Place of edition; year of publishing (In Russ.)
Belozerov IV. Religioznaya politika Zolotoj Ordy na Rusi v XIII–XIV vv. [Religious policy of the Golden Horde in Russia in the XIII–XIV centuries] [Dissertation]. Moscow; 2002 (In Russ).
Общая схема
Author EN. Transliterated title of book (monograph). [Title of book (monograph) in English]. Place of edition: Publishing house; year of publishing. (In Russ.)
Примеры (один автор)
Geitenko EN. Istochniki vtorichnogo elektropitaniya. [Secondary power supply sources]. M.: Solon-Press; 2008. (In Russ.)
Maiorov AN. Monitoring v obrazovanii. [Monitoring in education]. 3rd ed. M.: Intellekt-Centr; 2005. (In Russ.)
Пример (два или три автора)
Dmitriev VM., Shuyenkov AV., Gandzha TV. Elementy i ustrojstva robotizirovannyh sistem. [Elements and devices of robotic systems]. Tomsk: TUSUR; 2020. (In Russ.)
Пример (более трёх авторов)
Dmitriev VM., Shutenkov AV., Gandzha TV., et al. LARM: avtomatizirovannyj laboratornyj praktikum po elektrotekhnike i elektronike. [LARM: automated laboratory workshop on electrical engineering and electronics]. Tomsk: V-Spektr; 2010. (In Russ.)
Пример (многотомное издание)
Paltsev MA., Anichkov MN. Patologicheskaya anatomiya. [Pathological anatomy]. Vol. 2(1). M.: Medicina; 2001. (In Russ.)
Пример (стандарт)
GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008. GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008. Bibliograficheskaya ssylka. Obshchie trebovaniya i pravila sostavleniya [Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation]. M.: Standartinform; 2008. (In Russ.)
Пример (федеральный закон)
Federal Law of Russian Federation adopted by the State Duma 13 July 2001. «O licenzirovanii otdel'nyh vidov deyatel'nosti». Sobranie zakonodatel'stv RF. 2001;33(1):65–77. (In Russ).
Пример (патент)
Ivanov II. Korrigiruyushchee ustrojstvo dlya pozvonochnogo stolba. [Corrective device for the spinal column]. Patent 2128021. RF. № 97101617/14/. Zayavl. 31 January 1997; opubl. 27 March 1999, Byul. 9.
Пример (авторское свидетельство)
Ivanov II. Sposob lecheniya lozhnyh sustavov. [Method of treatment of false joints]. Author certificate 835421. USSR. № 2764100/28-13/. Zayavl. 07 May 1979; opubl. 07 June 1981, Byul. 21.
Общая схема
Author AA. Transliterated title of the article [Title of the article in English]. Transliterated title of the conference proceedings [Title of the conference proceedings in English]. City name. Organization name. Year of the conference proceedings;(volume or part number):page–page. (In Russ).
Пример (одинавтор)
Kochergin MI. Uchebno-illyustrativnyemodelifizicheskihzadach v obrazovatel'nomprocesse [Educational and illustrative models of physical tasks in the educational process]. Elektronnyesredstvaisistemyupravleniya: materialydokladovmezhdunarodnojnauchno-prakticheskojkonferencii [Electronic means and control systems: proc. of the international scientific and practical conference]. Tomsk. TUSUR.2017;(2):114–117. (In Russ).
Пример (два или три автора)
Alekseenko AV, AlekseenkoAYe. Laboratornyjpraktikumpofizike v sistemeformirovaniyaprofessional'nojkompetentnostibudushchihinzhenerov [Laboratory workshop on physics in the system of formation of professional competence of future engineers]. Informacionnyeipedagogicheskietekhnologii v sovremennomobrazovatel'nomuchrezhdenii: materialy X vserossijskojnauchno-prakticheskojkonferencii [Information and pedagogical technologies in a modern educational institution. Proc. of the tenth all-Russian scientific and practical conference]. Cherepovets. CHSU. 2017;114–117. (In Russ).
Пример (более трёх авторов)
Gorodovich AV, Kruchinin VV, PerminovaMyu, et al.Metodikapostroeniyasistemyocenivaniyaelektronnyhuchebno-metodicheskihkompleksovdisciplin [Methodology for developing an assessment system of electronic educational and methodological complexes of disciplines]. Sovremennoeobrazovanie: povysheniekonkurentosposobnostiuniversitetov. Materialymezhdunarodnojnauchno-metodicheskojkonferencii [Modern education: increasing the competitiveness of universities. Proc. of the international scientific and methodological conference]. Tomsk. TUSUR. 2020;216–222. (In Russ).
Общая схема
Author AA. Transliterated title of the article [Title of the article in English]. Transliterated title of the journal [Title of the journal in English]. Year of the journal issue;(journal number):page–page. (In Russ).
Author AA. Transliterated title of the article [Title of the article in English]. Transliterated title of the journal [Title of the journal in English]. Year of the journal issue;journal number(volume number):page–page. (In Russ).
Пример (один автор)
Koroleva DO. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya mobil'nyh i setevyh tekhnologij v obuchenii shkol'nikov [Prospects for the use of mobile and network technologies in the education of schoolchildren]. Vestnik Moskovskogo gorodskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Seriya Pedagogika i psihologiya [Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series Pedagogy and Psychology]. 2017;(1):65–77. (In Russ).
Пример (два или три автора)
Golovina TA, Merkulov PA, Polyanin AV. Gosudarstvennaya podderzhka molodezhnogo predprinimatel'stva v Rossii [State support of youth entrepreneurship in Russia]. Ekonomicheskaya politika [Economic policy]. 2017;12(5):42–61. (In Russ).
Пример (более трёх авторов)
Gorodovich AV, Kruchinin VV, Perminova MYu, et al. Instrumental'naya sistema analiza i ocenivaniya uchebnogo kontenta [Instrumental system of analysis and evaluation of educational content]. Doklady TUSUR [Proceedings of TUSUR University]. 2020;23(2):81-87.
Общая схема
Author AA. Transliterated title of the article [Title of the article in English]. Transliterated title of the journal [Title of the journal in English]. Available from: URL [Accessed: 20 November 2021]. (In Russ).
Author AA, Author AA, Author AA, et al. Transliterated title of the article [Title of the article in English]. Transliterated title of the Journal [Title of the journal in English]. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193508080077 [Accessed: 20 November 2021]. (In Russ).
Пример (один автор)
Kukushkin SG. Strategicheskie korporativnye kompetencii v oblasti nepreryvnoj podgotovki kadrov dlya predpriyatiya raketno-kosmicheskoj otrasli [Strategic corporate competencies in the field of continuous training of personnel for the rocket and space industry enterprise]. Reshetnevskie chteniya [Reshetnev readings]. Available from: https://disk.sibsau.ru/index.php/s/XCKOVYFUJ5KBuVR [Accessed: 20 November 2021]. (In Russ).
Пример (два-три автора)
Kukushkin SG, Fedin TF, Lobov VD. Strategicheskie korporativnye kompetencii v oblasti nepreryvnoj podgotovki kadrov dlya predpriyatiya raketno-kosmicheskoj otrasli [Strategic corporate competencies in the field of continuous training of personnel for the rocket and space industry enterprise]. Reshetnevskie chteniya [Reshetnev readings]. Available from: https://disk.sibsau.ru/index.php/s/XCKOVYFUJ5KBuVR [Accessed: 20 November 2021]. (In Russ).
Пример (четыре автора) с DOI
Kukushkin SG, Fedin TF, Lobov VD, et al. Strategicheskie korporativnye kompetencii v oblasti nepreryvnoj podgotovki kadrov dlya predpriyatiya raketno-kosmicheskoj otrasli [Strategic corporate competencies in the field of continuous training of personnel for the rocket and space industry enterprise]. Reshetnevskie chteniya [Reshetnev readings]. DOI: 10.1134/S1023193508080077 [Accessed: 20 November 2021]. (In Russ).
Пример из электронного источника удаленного доступа
Federal Law of Russian Federation №149-FZ of 27 July 2006. «Ob informacii, informacionnyh tekhnologiyah i o zashchite informacii». Available from: https://rg.ru/2006/07/29/informacia-dok.html [Accessed: 09 October 2021]. (In Russ).
Federal Law of Russian Federation №323-FZ of 21 November 2011. «Ob osnovakh okhrany zdorov'ya grazhdan Rossiiskoi Federatsii». Available from: http://www.rosminzdrav.ru/documents/7025-federalnyy- zakon-323-fz-ot-21-noyabrya-2011-g. [Accessed: 09 October 2021]. (In Russ).
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